Fan Art Friday: Magneto Head Shots

Fan Art Friday is an idea that I had for a couple of years now, but never did. Consistency is my kryptonite. For this first couple of Fan Art Friday posts, I wanted to dedicate it to Magneto. In recent months, I find myself thinking about the plight of the mutants in X-Men. Magneto wasn’t a character that I gravitated to as a child. I was always obsessed with Wolverine. As I get older I feel like I understand Magneto a bit more.

In this character design, I just wanted to focus on the profile of his head. I wanted to give Magneto long wavy hairy as well. His hair is inspired by Kelsey Grammar’s mullet hairstyle that he had early episodes of Frasier (One of my favorite shows of all time). Magneto has an air of sophistication similar to Frasier, and he also has a calm aura until he puts on his helmet. I wanted to depict that switch in his personality. So here is the first of series of Magneto fan art that I plan to share. Hope you like.

One Love,

I am Charles Williams


Work in Progress: Til Death