Artist Market / Artist Alley Blog: Centerfest 2023 Recap

Welcome to my recap of Centerfest 2023. I managed to capture a few photos of the event. This was my first time having a booth at Centerfest. Centerfest is an art festival that takes place in Downtown Durham. Even though it was rainy on the second day, the weather and vibes were great the whole weekend.

This was also the first festival that I did the whole setup by myself. I usually have my dad and my brother as helpers, but I wanted to take on the challenge by myself. I had a chance to use some wood displays that I purchased on Etsy a few months ago. The setup and tear down were so simple, and I enjoyed the overall look. I prefer the wood displays over the metal displays that I used form Artsplosure and Animazement. I plan to keep using these displays going forward.

My biggest takeaway from this event is that I think it’s time for me to start taking my craft more seriously. I want to challenge myself as far as my art skills, my booth setup, and being more consistent. Events like this energize me and put a battery in my back. I am grateful for the kind words from each person that visited my booth.

One Love,

I am Charles Williams

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